Saturday, September 15, 2012

My American love-affairs

I am in love. And this is love with a capital L... The one who grabbed my heart in an instant the moment I came to the US.... goes by the name.... Whole Foods!

I know that all the US-people don't probably get this and are going "blaah" - but for us fresh food-geeks who don't have Whole Foods in our countries - WOW. And cause I am a health nut, this store is my heaven. There is a very very wide selection of health goodies and everything is so pretty, fresh and nicely placed plus the staff is super-nice... When are you coming to Finland, Whole Foods?

Okay then another new love of mine (and this love could get dangerous if I don't control myself)... 100% Peanut Butter! I kinda try to stay far away from this one, but I am gonna buy some back home when that time comes... But hey, I am in the US and peanut butter is like a national food so it's okay right?

Peanutbuttery weekend smiles to all of you Wellabe-peeps! 

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