Monday, December 5, 2011

Rock your lymph! (say what?)

Since the holiday season is soon here, it's a great time to clean up your body before all the lovely Christmas-partying that is about to take place...

So, let's begin with a short explanation about lymph, the largest circulatory system in your body:

"Lymph is a clear to yellowish watery fluid which is found throughout the body. It circulates through body tissues picking up fats, bacteria, and other unwanted materials, filterin
g these substances out through the lymphatic system. It is sometimes possible to see your own lymph; cuts sometimes weep clear lymph rather than blood, for example. The circulation of lymph through the body is an important part of immune system health."

(read the whole article here)

Many people suffer from a non-functional lymphatic system. Lymph is kinda like the drains in your house, and it can get clogged. And when your lymph isn't working - well, nothing is working! Lymphatic system that doesn't work properly can lead to cellulite, belly fat, weight gain, swollen feet, skin problems, rashes, allergies and hormonal imbalancies -
just to name a few.

If you want to get your lymph moving and feel great - there is the most simple thing to do this! All you have to do is sip hot water, every 10-15 minutes, throughout your day. If, by the end of the day, you crave more water (and your mouth may also feel a bit dry) - you are de-hydrated (like most of the people are).

Here's more information about the beautifying effect of this hot water-technique (from John Douillard's website):

"Sipping hot water every 10-15 minutes all day for two weeks acts as a digestive cleanse and a lymphatic flush. This is one of the best techniques to treat dehydration, which is a major factor in weight gain. Dehydration triggers a survival response in the body that chemically
tells the body to store fat. Proper hydration supports the bicarbonate level just inside the stomach lining that protects it from being burned by digestive acids. If the body is dehydrated, this water-based bicarbonate layer will dry out and the tummy can ache. If it isn't treated soon, the stomach will soon be told to make less digestive hydrochloric acid (HCL), which means that food is no longer being properly digested."

So, continue the water-sipping for two weeks (just put some hot water in a thermos mug and carry with you wherever you go), and you will be surpised by the results... amazeballs!

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