Tuesday, May 1, 2012


So it's officially the summer season now. (sun+green grass= that's summer for me!) 
I could tell you millions of reasons why that makes me totally happylicious but now I am gonna just concentrate on one of these reasons in this post... and that is: HOOPING.

Last summer I fell in love with hooping. I don't remember how I "found" hooping - of course I had tried hula hoops as a kid, like I think almost everyone has - but I had no idea that there was this whole world of hooping out there. 
So then, as I had just eyeballed some hooping-videos over and over again from Youtube, I went and made a hoop! (there's plenty of instructions on the internet for that, if somebody's interested)

I remember the first summer day with my hoop. I went to the backyard with it - thinking, being honest, that I would maybe do this for five minutes and the get bored (I know myself) - and started hooping (=tried to start hooping).

After a series of weird and probably pervy-looking hip-movements, I started to get the hang of it. And then what happened was that I spent six hours in a row hooping. Goes maybe without saying that I loved it. (and that the neighbours thought I'd gone mad) I do have to say here that I wouldn't recommend starting your hooping-career with a six hour hoopatron like me, cause I got bruises on my hip bones and was quite sore the next day.

But so, after the hooping-summer came winter and because my small apartment was not the greatest arena for my hoopings, I just kinda have been without any hoop-activity for a looong time now. (finnish winters are not the shortest ones)

But that's about to change! Summertime's here and that means my backyard, parks and green fiels are waiting...  

If you'd love to give hooping a go, check out Hoopnotica and hooping-videos from Youtube. 

And below you can see my hooping-idol doing her magic... Amazeballs hooping!

pic: gilt.com

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