Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Clean that temple baby

Spring is the ultimate body detox-time, because it is the time of renewal and starting things from a fresh, clean slate. 

There is a lot of information on detox-diets on the internet, but my tip for detoxing is this; do it everyday. With this I mean is, that your body is your temple - so one giant cleaning-week once a year is not the way to treat your magnificent grib. Plus people seems to eat even more after their detox is over, because a strict detox-diet can really wake the cravings up - big time. So personally I think detox can be a great way to extra-cleanse your body after you have already achieved a certain level of wellbeing and body-balance. (=you are already eating a healthy diet with lots of greens, fruits and vegetables and have a good "base" to do a extra-cleanse in the form of a detox).

Kimberly Snyder is one of my "nutrition gurus" and she also states in her book "The Beauty Detox" how important it is to eat detoxifying foods and let your body detox every day - not just once or twice a year... Makes sense, doesn't it? 

So think of your body as your house and do a bit of cleaning every day - then after you have the dust wiped off from the shelves and the floors washed, then you can go for a big spring-cleaning if you feel like that's what you need.

Well, what is the way to eat when we want our bodies to be full of energy all year around?

So to start off, make you your diet contains a good variety of vegetables, fruits and greens. 

Drink a lot of clean water during the day. (minimum of eight glasses - hydration's the word of the day baby! Keeps your body, skin, hair and nails looking good and your body functions fluid.)

Eat only when you are hungry. (listen to that body of yours! I don't believe in forcing yourself to eat, for example in the mornings. Just drink a smoothie or eat a fruit instead. Your body will tell you what it needs.)

And if you start to get hungry between meals, drink a glass of water before going for that Snickers. (that "little hungry"-feeling is often thirst)

Eat fruit on its own and try not to eat them as dessert. Fruits are digested often in about 20 minutes (except bananas, in about 40 minutes), so if you eat them after a meal (which takes always longer to digest than fruit) - the fruit is gonna get stuck in your system, which can cause bloating, discomfort and gas. So go for the monkey-style and eat a banana as a little meal of its own.

Try not to eat after 7-8 PM. This way your body gets time to process the food you've been eating and digest it before any new foods comes in. And it is also a fact that metabolism slows down towards the evening - so big meals at 9PM are quite a bomb for your body.

Skip the processed foods & snack foods. Eat real, pure foods. Your body's gonna say "Thanks, dude!" for this one.

Eat organic and local foods. (they have more vitamins & minerals in them and they have not been sprayed with pesticides etc. To say it the easy way - it's fresh and it's real food)

Feeling puffy? Oh no, did you munch on that baguette again honey?

Skip all the white bread, white sugar and white everything. (I like to keep it short and simple and not to preach about this, but just gonna say this: white, puffy food = white, puffy, dragging skin & body!) Sure, if you are on a holiday and want to eat that pain-du-chocolat, eat it and love every bite of it! But mainly, I try to stay far away from anything white and processed.

Exercise daily. (boosts your metabolism, affect weight-loss & fat burn, gets your mood high and thousand other positive things)

And because I am a smoothie-gal, the last tip of the day is, of course;

Try a smoothie for breakfast. (lets your body "wake up" to the day in a gentle way - versus a high-fat morning meal with hard to digest food like bacon or lots of bread)

picture sources: chantellegrady.comkitchentablescraps.com, bing.com

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