Thursday, May 3, 2012


me soaking up my darling D-vitamin in Stockholm

I gotta get all serious nutritionista for you guys today! Cause I am on a important task here, to promote my friend: Mr. D!

Be sure to check your D-vitamin intake, because it is a crucially important vitamin and most people have a D-vitamin defiency, and it affects your energy levels and many other factors of wellbeing and health.

Vitamins are in their best form & easiest to absorb for your body when you get them from whole foods. BUT like with vitamin D, that you don't necessarily have any access to on those seasons when there is no sun (sunlight - > produces D-vitamin in your body), it is very important to get it somewhere, so invest some bucks for a good cause and buy a good D-vitamin supplement.

It is SO very important to your bones (promotes absorption of calcium), nervous system, energy levels, mood - everything! And as it is the vitamin that helps calcium absorb better, it's actually proven in many studies to be the main factor to prevent bone loss (=osteoporosis), so it is actually more important to your bone health than calcium itself.

It also decreases (for example) the risk cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart-disease.

So besides the supplements, you get D-vitamin from (for example); fish, eggs, and some mushrooms. Plus from the sunlight - which we talked about already.

So get you D-game on!

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