Tuesday, May 15, 2012

color your day

My godmother has one of the most beautiful homes I've ever seen (plus a super-darling doggie that I adore). As an eternal sucker for pretty colors and fun details, I really get a kick from a home with color and soul... so here's some pictures from my godmother's amazeballs apartment. (I love the lime green door, the turquoise shades, the oh-so-gorgeous tiles in the kitchen and in the bathroom... just everything really.)

Never underestimate the power of color! So go and buy some tulips & put them in a pretty vase. Or paint that wall that should be bright-yellow or crazy-pink instead of plain old white. 

And if you still crave some color - throw some on your plate!

The Color Salad

a mango
an avocado
some goat cheese
some fresh mint
good olive oil
a pinch of himalayan salt

- Dice the mango & the goat cheese & the avocado. (or slice...according to your style)

- Add fresh mint on top.

- Drizzle some oil on top of all the yumminess and add a pinch of salt to make it perfect.

- Enjoy!

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