Monday, July 9, 2012

If only...

If only I'd known 10 years ago, when I thought I was a real loser who had no chance of getting the things I dreamed about.

If only I'd known 10 years ago, when I felt like the ugliest girl on the planet. 

If only I'd known 10 years ago, when I met some people who turned out to be not-the-greatest-friends.

If only I'd known 10 years ago, when I felt that I wasn't good enough for anything or anyone...

If only I'd known... that all that would pass. 

That I would become a wild dreamer-gal and that I really had the power to make my dreams come true.

That one day I would look at my fresh and happy after-gym-face in the mirror and think, "Hey girl, you look okay!".

That one day I would have such precious people around me that all the more or less bad experiences and memories would seem like a funny joke.

And that one day, I would realize I that no one else can make me feel that I really am good enough but me. 

PS. And to add a little smile-factor to this post, this one made me giggle... For those days when you need a boost:


Unknown said...

You have an amazing gift! So glad to see you are sharing it :-)

Viola said...

Awww thank you darling :)