Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Yummy Monday-recipe (a bit late but here now!)

I have been just loving my holiday, enjoying the freedom and soaking up the sunshine (whenever it has been around).

But anyway, now I am in Åland and it's been just a great visit! And there is even a longer trip to come, more about that someday soon... I'm so excited...

I will share a recipe from Åland with you guys, a superfood for the soul! Åland's pannkaka - which means Åland pancake. Enjoy as a lunch or as a dessert/yummy snack. Add jam, berries or anything you like. Eat outdoors by the seaside for the ultimate Åland-vibe. 


6 eggs

1 cup of sugar

1 cup of flour

5 cups of rice pudding (cook some minutes the day before and leave to soak overnight)
3 tsp cardamom
1 l milk (we used local, full-fat milk)
2 tsp salt

Mix the eggs and the sugar. Add rice pudding, flour, cardamom and salt. Then add the milk and stirr thoroughly.
Pour the ready dough into a roasting pan and bake for about 25 in 220 degrees. Let the pancake get goldenbrown and rather compact.

- I used oatmeal instead of rice pudding, works like a charm!
- You can also replace milk with almond milk etc, if you don't dig milk-products.
- Try replacing some of the sugar with stevia or coconut sugar for a healthier sweetener-alternative.

Happy pancake-day guys!

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