Saturday, June 2, 2012


FEEDBACK wanted: what kind of blog posts would you like to see more of on the Wellabe blog? Or would you like to see more videos? Or something totally different? Please tell me, I am on the mission to make the Wellabe-blog better & would love to hear your thoughts! Thank you so much! 

Palautetta kaivataan: minkälaisia postauksia lukisit tulevaisuudessa mieluiten Wellabe-blogista? Vai kaipaisitko lisää videoita blogiin - tai ehkä jotain aivan muuta? Jokainen vinkki ja ehdotus otetaan avosylin vastaan, tavoitteenani on tehdä Wellabe-blogista entistä parempi joten palaute olisi kullanarvoista! Kiitos! (ps. Vai kaipaatteko Wellabe-blogia, joka olisi kokonaan suomeksi?)

♥ Viola


Anonymous said...

Hi, i'm already very satisfied to your blog and waiting eagerly new posts, but I would liike to see more videos. Yes that's my answer : new videos, please !

Viola said...

Hey there! I am so happy to hear that you like the blog. And I will be onto the video-mission soon! Thank you for commenting!