Thursday, June 28, 2012

My new blog (but Wellabe isn't going anywhere!)

I have a new blog that will start on the 1st of July (so that's next Sunday), and I'd be more than happy to have my Wellabe people visiting my new blog as well!

I will write it in finnish, but there will also be translations to english. All you finnish peeps understand the blog name, which is: 60 / kesä. (that means 60 / summer).

For more details about what the blog is about, check out the blog's FB-site:

And on Sunday, you can go and read about my first summer dream-day here:

On the FB-page you can read the blog's idea but to sum it up, it's about summer, fun stuff and how to make all that fun happen! (...while on a low-budget, I might add)

See you there on the new blog! (And here, of course!)

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