Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Monday, July 30, 2012

Destination anywhere

Like I've stated here on the blog previous times before, I love to travel. Even if it's just a day's visit to another city or a bike ride to a hill I've never stepped my foot on before - traveling always gives me the good kind of chills.

I remember as a kid being so purely happy just to travel, I didn't really care about reaching the destination that much (although that's pretty fun too). I remember how the smell of a new country, all that freshness of everything being so new and still to be discovered... all that made me so happy I thought there couldn't be anything better, ever.

Yesterday as I was on a long bike ride, pedaling through the heat and honey-smelling fields, I realized that traveling really is a way of living and being. Cause in my opinion, traveling is not just the thing that you do when you fly somewhere or spend a week on a boat on the Caribbean - it's how you look at things, how you are with people and how you deal with everything, with life

Cause let's face it, the biggest travel there is.... It's life! And I think like with any kind of traveling, the ability to keep both your eyes and heart open will get you to amazing places.
So, even if you are not heading anywhere far away in the near future, just think of your day as a little trip of its own - and see where it takes you...

♥  Viola

pssst... And while we are on the subject of traveling, here's a fruitie-recipe to get you in a tropical state of mind, wherever you are:

Yellow Bliss

a banana
some fresh pineapple
a fresh mango
teeny weeny bit of honey
some mint
(a little bit of water, if needed)

-Blend everything and soak into your yellow daydream...

picture source: flickr.com

Sunday, July 29, 2012

I want to ride my bicycle

I had a great bike-day yesterday. Full on sunshine, beautiful forests, seaside-views, buildings I hadn't noticed before and the lovely smell of summer-air... I always fall in love with my bike in the summertime, and then somehow end up forgetting the bliss of pedaling when the fall comes with its rains and winds ("It's so much work to take the bike to work, and it could rain... And maybe someone asks me out on a date and what do I do then with the bike...." and all those inventive excuses). 

But I think this summer could be the turning point. Cause now I have a new bike and a new helmet (which is actually pretty cute - well, as cute as a helmet can be), and I feel like nothing can stop me and my bike now... 

One reason I plan to make my bicycle rides a daily habit is that my love for running has kind of stayed in the backround for some time now, mainly because of some stupid knee-issues. But hey, biking could be the perfect solution - it's softer on the joints and it's just pure fun.

But now, I am gonna hop on to the saddle again so... Have a lovely day you all!

PS. Are there any bike-lovers out there reading this? Maybe you could share your best tips on how to make biking fun all year around...? Would love to hear some!

PPS. You can even have your wedding day-ride done on two wheels. And the guest can join the fun too! Pretty cool. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Nutty crush

I loooove coconut. I could eat it everyday, drink it (coconut-banana water's a favorite!), spice my foods with it and lather my skin with coconut oil and still not get enough of it.

So here's an ode to my beloved friend, in the form of some pics and a great smoothie recipe. 

Love your nuts people!  

Wellabe's Coconut Smoothie

A good splash of coconut milk
a banana
some strawberries
some ice
(mint, if you dig it!)

- Blend everything in ya blender and enjoy the nutty love! 
(Add some shredded mint on top if you want to be fancy.)

picture sources: eatdrinkchic.com, terawarmer.com

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Picture your Sunday

illustration with the girl by Brett Manning, picture sources: handa.tumblr.com, agentbauer.com

Friday, July 20, 2012

My Sister

I have a sister. And not just an ordinary sister, but a sister-of-life. You think you cannot grow into being sisters? Think again.

I met my sister about five years ago. I remember one of the first times hanging out with her (at work - that's where we met), and I got such crazy giggles from a stupid joke that I had to hide in a closet that was nearby. Yes, it sounds just as stupid as it was.

But that's how we are with my soulgirl - she just gets me. And my jokes, even the most random ones - which already is amazing. 

She is extremely smart, beautiful in every way possible, has a heart of gold and cracks up at the same time in the movies - usually when others are sitting still and silent - that's when we get the giggles.

She also loves many similar things as I do. Star-gazing. Sunshine. The American accent. Pretty stuff that many people pass by. Great music. Having fun anywhere, anytime. Funny-looking things like helmets. Stupid movies that just feel so much fun when we watch them together (Tropic Thunder!). Travelling. New York. Happy colors. 

She's my family and it's the greatest thing to find someone like that. Someone that you can grow separately with at times - without ever growing apart.

And this one goes to you sister: 
"We'll be friends 'til we're old & senile... Then we'll be new friends!"

Love you sis ♥ 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Remember these?

Sometimes it's nice to look back at all the nice stuff that has happened... So here, starting from the newest one and going back to the oldest clip - all the Wellabe-vlogs I've done! 

Here you go:

The 5000-visitors clip. Since then Wellabe has had 1000 more visitors. Whoa! So happy that I just want to jump up and down screaming "6000, 6000, 6000!". 

The summer-beauty & wellbeing-clip. I've posted quite a few recipes like I promised in the clip, but the DIY-beauty tips are still on their way. But if you want to have tips on how to feel great & see amazing stuff during the summer, go to my other blog 60/summer (60/kesä in finnish). That is a blog full of summery shots and love for the season.

Saying thanks to you all.

Lifestyle-challenge video (seen under). Was not exactly "the bomb" cause I didn't get any comments or ideas sent to me. Hahaha. But still, I kinda like it. 

The very first video. Oh my, this feels like ages ago! Lot has happened since I started...

Well anyway, this "walk down the memory lane"-post was just a fun thing to do, in my opinion. Cause it's nice to see how Wellabe got started and just looking at the videos makes my head burst with new ideas... So stay tuned Wellabe-gang!

♥ Viola

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Coast trippin'

Hey guys! Watch the clip and see what kinda place Ã…land is... (Video made by Kaisa Viitanen.)

Today I am gonna head back home and then next week I will have some more Finland-roadtripping ahead. 

Some summery music to wrap things up... Love Ray!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Yummy Monday-recipe (a bit late but here now!)

I have been just loving my holiday, enjoying the freedom and soaking up the sunshine (whenever it has been around).

But anyway, now I am in Ã…land and it's been just a great visit! And there is even a longer trip to come, more about that someday soon... I'm so excited...

I will share a recipe from Ã…land with you guys, a superfood for the soul! Ã…land's pannkaka - which means Ã…land pancake. Enjoy as a lunch or as a dessert/yummy snack. Add jam, berries or anything you like. Eat outdoors by the seaside for the ultimate Ã…land-vibe. 


6 eggs

1 cup of sugar

1 cup of flour

5 cups of rice pudding (cook some minutes the day before and leave to soak overnight)
3 tsp cardamom
1 l milk (we used local, full-fat milk)
2 tsp salt

Mix the eggs and the sugar. Add rice pudding, flour, cardamom and salt. Then add the milk and stirr thoroughly.
Pour the ready dough into a roasting pan and bake for about 25 in 220 degrees. Let the pancake get goldenbrown and rather compact.

- I used oatmeal instead of rice pudding, works like a charm!
- You can also replace milk with almond milk etc, if you don't dig milk-products.
- Try replacing some of the sugar with stevia or coconut sugar for a healthier sweetener-alternative.

Happy pancake-day guys!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Rock rock

When I was younger I remember admiring all those girls who dared to be a bit bitchy. I thought that being rude was way cooler than my dull personality - which has always been more on the non-cool smiley side.

But now, in my respectable age of 25, I have realized that this really is one of my my greatest strengths. Being nice. I love to be nice. I don't want to be rude, bitchy or just a pain in the ass. 

So I am here to start my own movement of niceness.

And I am cursing all those tv-shows where they are competing for something, and being rude and horrible to others seems to be the "sign of ambition" or "great willpower." My ass, it ain't! You can be the most ambitious person in the world and still act nice.

But there is a positive side on the fact that people sometimes think that the rude ones are the ones "to watch". Cause then it's good to just keep up your work with a big smile on your face... And later show everyone what your made of. Someone with a huge amount of ambition and an endless flood of willpower - and a nice smile.

That's how I roll.

a new day, a new book

I have been reading a LOT lately. Something's really happened to me with this reading thing, because I've never been the "bookworm"-type, but now I really can't wait for the moment when I know I will get to read my books.. I'm geeky and I love it! 

Anyway, here are some of examples from my to read-book list, the wellness-related ones: 

1. The Mind & Body & Soul Diet, Jennifer Nicole Lee

2. Gorgeously Green, Sophie Uliano

3. The Raw Food Diet - The healthy way to get the shape you want, Christine Bailey 

So those books I have already purchased, but they are still waiting to be read... That's because I have been so into my other books, like these two that I have just finished reading:

1. Tales from the Yoga Studio, Rain Mitchell

2. The memory of running, Ron McLArty

The Mitchell-book was a nice and cozy, an easy to read-book. Perfect for the beach for example.

But "The memory of running", oh my, this book I just love. I've already read it earlier some years ago and it just sucked me right into the story! I love the black humor, the funny-smart language, everything. And the characters are so interesting and even comical, yet they feel like real-life people. Just an amazing book.

pics: constantchatter.com, weheartit.com, Pinterest (unknown)

Monday, July 9, 2012

If only...

If only I'd known 10 years ago, when I thought I was a real loser who had no chance of getting the things I dreamed about.

If only I'd known 10 years ago, when I felt like the ugliest girl on the planet. 

If only I'd known 10 years ago, when I met some people who turned out to be not-the-greatest-friends.

If only I'd known 10 years ago, when I felt that I wasn't good enough for anything or anyone...

If only I'd known... that all that would pass. 

That I would become a wild dreamer-gal and that I really had the power to make my dreams come true.

That one day I would look at my fresh and happy after-gym-face in the mirror and think, "Hey girl, you look okay!".

That one day I would have such precious people around me that all the more or less bad experiences and memories would seem like a funny joke.

And that one day, I would realize I that no one else can make me feel that I really am good enough but me. 

PS. And to add a little smile-factor to this post, this one made me giggle... For those days when you need a boost:

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Oh you glowy thang!

There has been some great articles about the links between a healthy, glowy complexion and a good, clean diet rich in plant-based foods.

So if you want that gorgeous face of yours to really glow, read this and then this.

And then you can get your own Healthy Skin Guide (from my school IIN) from here.

Some of my top tips for that glowy complexion include:

- Loads and loads of berries  (I am a BIG berry-believer... they are full of antioxidants)
- Lots of good, clean water (Load the Water-app to you iPod/iPhone if you got one, it is great)
- Seaweed / seaweed supplements 
- Lots of vegetables and fruits
- Lots of fresh air
- Even more laughter and smiling (yes, it's a muchy tip - but frowny people just really look older)

If you want to hear more about skin care and tips on this subject, comment here and I will do a more indepth take on this issue next week. I love this subject, but I write to you guys and not to myself so... you decide! :)

Have a glowy Saturday! 

♥ Viola

picture: demeterclarc.com

Friday, July 6, 2012

love in a bottle

I found this juice today from this little deli and it is so delicious. It's rhubarb-mint juice concentrate, so you mix it with water, add ice - and oh my. It's totally natural so it has a great fresh taste AND it tastes exactly like the juice I got to enjoy in my childhood at my grandma's sister's house. She made the best juices, foods, everything. And I remember the magic of drinking that delicious home-made juice on a hot day under this big, big tree... 

ps. Rhubarb is great in smoothies too, try this:

a banana
some strawberries
some ice
some rhubarb
a good splash of almond milk

- Mix everything in your blender and feel the summer.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Can I get your goals, please?

Hey guys! Sorry about the silence here. Been in the sun, just enjoying my first days of my holiday and just loving the summer so much that I haven't gotten around my laptop... And the thought of sitting inside when it's warm outside has just felt wrong. If you live in Finland, you get this - when there's sunshine, you gotta soak it up!

But anyway, I have so much things I want to share - so gotta start posting again and not continue this summer lazyassiness.

But the pic at the end of this post just tells everything about my state of mind right now. Goals, goals, goals... Just kinda tired of all those freakin' goals right now. Cause I've always had them; going from school to school and from one job to another, from this goal to that goal. 

Why should we always know where we are going in life, what goals we have for this day/week/year/lifetime? Cause if you know anything about life, it doesn't exactly like to follow rules... 


(Did you read "Life is now here" or "Life is no where"?.... Yep, it's all about the way you look at things, darling.)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Perfect is so last season

I've learned that in life it is essential to screw up. Back in the days, I was actually quite a boring girl to hang out with - so scared to do something different, something others didn't think was cool or something that could just go totally wrong. 

Now I love to try things, and though I don't love to fail (okay, I hate it), I think taking leaps towards new things is what keeps life, and me, interesting... And failing at something just makes me want to try harder or find other things to be amazing at.

And by the way, how boring would it be to good at everything? I'd rather suck at some things, and be fantastic at others. Being okay is boring. I want to aim for amazeballs-vibes in life!

So hurray for all the people who dare to totally suck at some things so that they find the things they are born to do! 

♥  Viola

btw: I have no idea what's up with my face, but this apartment is Paris is the cutest place ever...