Kris Carr, author of "Crazy Sexy Diet"...find out more
I am so interested about the power of nutrition and everything we do to ourselves/how we treat our bodies and how that is connected to sickness/health.
This clip above is an amazing example of this.
A bit about Kris Carr, the woman in the video:
"It’s safe to say that Kris Carr’s journey could not have existed at any other moment in history. Even 10 years ago, her cancer might well have been the end of her story, not the beginning. Carr was 31 when doctors diagnosed Stage 4 epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, a vascular sarcoma that had dotted her liver and lungs with tumors. This sarcoma is so rare that only 40 to 80 new cases are diagnosed in the United States each year. And it is only since the mid-’90s that American researchers have understood that this cancer generally presents in two ways: very aggressive, when an EHE patient can learn they have dozens of lesions after a visit to the doctor’s and be dead of rampaging tumors six weeks after the discovery, or extremely passive, when the growths, even vast constellations of them, can remain more or less dormant for long stretches. Carr’s turned out to be the latter sort.
Had her cancer been diagnosed only a handful of years earlier, says Dr. George Demetri, her oncologist at the Harvard-affiliated Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and a world leader in the study and treatment of rare sarcomas, chances are she would have been subjected to aggressive chemotherapy, probably to no benefit.
Instead Carr received what at the time may have still seemed an experimental strategy for treatment: no treatment at all. They decided to keep it under medical surveillance, but otherwise, “it was, ‘Let’s let cancer make the first move,’ ” Carr says. “It was, ‘Go out and live your life.’ ” And she has since made that her message, one that’s suited to these times: not life in spite of cancer, but because of it..."
Read the whole NY Times-article here.

“There's no need to wait for the bad things and bullshit to be over. Change now. Love now. Live now. Don't wait for people to give you permission to live, because they won't.” (Kris Carr)
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