Okay guys. So I have been thinking about starting a series of post about nutrition, which I am currently studying at IIN (graduating in June, wohoo!). The reason I have been kinda scared of starting to write about these things is the fact that, even to me, it's a jungle out there! And because I really want to keep this blog a fun place to come to and not start a preaching here about nutrition with phrases like "this is how you should eat" and "according to the studies you should eat..."... and so on! So that's why I decided to name these posts under the name of "Nutrition Jungle & how to get out of it". To me nutrition is super interesting and I have found myself to be a big nerd when it comes to treating illnesses with nutrition or solving skin/energy/whatever problems with the nutritional side of things... But I get the fact that not everyone is eager to read superduperlong posts about these things, soooo... let's make it more simple, fresh and fun - off we go.
Nutrition Jungle - part 1; Freshness
I believe in natural foods above everything. Greatest food for me is all the stuff we get to enjoy here in Finland during the summertime. Then we have market places all around the city that get filled with fresh berries, peas, leaks, carrots, cauliflowers, zuccinis, salads, tomatoes, potatoes, mushrooms = fresh food straight from the bushes or the fields onto the plate! Now that is the greatest, freshest food! And do you ever feel stuffed and uncomfortably full after eating a huge pile of berries? No - because even though you would stuff your tummy full with these goodies, they don't get you into that I have to open my pants right now!-state... Because they are such fresh foods, and mostly water - your body doesn't have to work that much with the digestion, because they are easy, natural foods for the body to digest. This way the body has more energy to use on other functions, like protecting you from viruses and diseases and keeping all your body functions in great order. Shortly put, you feel better when digestion things are happening smoothly. So happy body equals a glowy you!

So the lesson number one on our way out of the confusing Nutrition Jungle is a very simple one: EAT FRESH. Yeah, you think it's a no brainer, but it seems to be something that most people have forgotten/don't have time to think about. Or do you not know quite many people that say they are just exhausted all the time and then at the same time they eat a lot of processed foods (white bread, cookies, pastries, take away-meals, chips, candy...) or skip meals totally and just grab coffee on the go? There really is a connection with these things. (But I've been there so I am not judging!)
But you really are what you eat, and if you wanna become one glowy beast - you gotta eat fresh! Cause fresh foods equal dewy complexion, strong hair & nails and an overall glow that you don't get from any outside sources... it comes from within.
A good thumb rule of eating fresh is that at least half of every meal is fresh veggies or fruits. A really simple rule that is easy to remember. So whatever you otherwise eat, add some freshness onto your plate and get ready to glow!