There's no way we really can know, like 100%-know, what's the "right" thing to do when we go ahead in life and make decisions - or choose to not make them... When we steer away from certain things and head towards new sights. When we say allrighty! to one person and maybe not to the other...
But you do know. Cause if you really listen, like really listen without anything else going on in your mind - you hear this little voice. Just stop now and listen. It's there...(spooky, huh?)
First it may not be that clear, its voice may be a bit uncertain, just a teeny weeny beeping sound somewhere in there, in the back of your head - but you hear it anyway. Cause that's YOU talking. Your inner voice, your soul, whatever you wanna call it - the thing stays the same.
It's the only thing I really count on when making up my mind. Sure I take advice, I talk to friends and may even take a moment to make up my mind. But when it comes down to saying yes or no, it's my little voicy-friend that makes the final choice.
I believe that you know when you are going against your own little voice buddy... You feel it - something's just not right, things that come out of your mouth may seem like somebody else's words and you may feel things you know aren't really your thing to feel right there and then... so when you hear that beep, and you feel that discomfort of knowing you heading towards a place you'd really rather skip going to... stop.
This week I really started to think through some things and realized that I am never going back to this day, this week, this month... I'll never be 25 again, I'll never live this year again. I'll never have this moment, this minute, this hour back. Sure, that could get you in a huge panic (and it did!) thinking it like that. BUT it can also just throw you back to that place where you should be, where you were born to be at... the place where you really just enjoy life like a kid who finds beauty in everyday things - instead of just going through your days and just waiting for Friday/your vacation/the weekend/whatever.
I remember when I had this personality analysis done when I was in high school - it was done so we could know what really could be the "ideal job" for us. (Can you really see it from those charts? Just a thought...)
Well anyway, my councelor found it amusing that the spontanity-index went sky-high on my chart, leaving all the others (like sensibility and analyticalness) way behind. She was saying that it was especially high and just smiled to me with wondering eyes, telling me to work on my sensible traits so I could balance my act...
Well I think that's sorta what I have done at times lately. And let me tell you councelor, it did not work! All of the things I have done with "sensible"-decision making - they didn't feel right at the time, or after it.
So, I am going back to my crazy habits and listening to my spontanious inner voice, cause I believe there's so much more to living than what you find from charts...
Have a nice day, filled with zero charts and lots of spontanious Sunday-things! (for example; I just spend couple of hours playing guitar and singing... Just cause it Sunday and I can do whatever I want!)